3D Scanner
RangeVision NEO
RangeVision NEO is an optical scanner with structured
light technology. It is reliable and easy to use.
NEO allows obtaining detailed colour 3D models and supports scanning models with automatic alignment of fragments by markers, on a turnable and by object geometry.

3D scanning

Object size
from 1 cm to 1.2 m
Scan options

Scanning by geometry
Scanning on a rotary table
Scanning with markers

An automatic rotary table comes with the scanner
It allows you to scan an object automatically in one click. You can use the rotary table for scanning objects weighing up to 20 kg.

Easy and fast 3D scanning
Plug and Play
Automatic calibration
One-click scanning
Simple user interface

Compatible with any 3D printer
Easy data export for 3D printing
Coordinate system setting for 3D printing
Automatic mesh-building with filling holes
Сolor-textured models ready for 3D printing

A vast range of processing capabilities
Automatic and manual alignment by markers and without markers
Holes filling
Object surfaces smoothing
Automatic removal of small artifacts and noise
Other professional functions of ScanCenter NG software